Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heyya peps! found another website where there are some nice animation made by Katy Davis. This is her profile.

Katy Davis
Mixed Media Animator/Designer/Illustrator

Tools: Mac, Digital SLR Camera, Digital HDV Video Camera, Scanner, Photoshop, After Effects.... and lots of pens and layout paper!
Education: Graduated Norwich School of Art and Design 2005 with a 2.1, BA (Hons) Graphic Design specilising in Animation.

I was introduced to animation in the first year of my degree in Norwich (2001), when also experimenting with graphic design, photography, typography and illustration.

I found it so satisfying to watch my drawings and puppets come to life on-screen, I chose to specialise in it for my final year. I also had an amazing teacher who was so positive and a true inspiration.

I discovered the joys of After Effects and the ability to create my imagined worlds on digital canvas.

Currently working freelance, I have been encouraged by the success of my most recent animated music videos “Gone Fishing” and “Stay In My Memory”. Gone Fishing won many competitions and has been on several TV channels, and Stay In My Memory received 300,000 views on YouTube in a week.

May 2007 I was selected as one of the top 12 filmmakers short listed to direct a £1Million film as part of the MyMovie Mashup competition ( and November 2007 I won a 4Talent award to showcase the best emerging creative talent from around the UK.

Lots of amazing press including: DPI Magazine - feature (2010). Digital Arts Magazine - ´ Best up-and-coming UK illustrators and designers´ feature (Feb 09). Artwork printed in WUW magazine (Aug 08). Artwork chosen for the Noise Festival Flyer (Aug 08). Feature in Computer Arts Magazine (Feb 08). Article in Ten4 Magazine (Nov 07). Article in The Bath Chronicle and on Bath FM about MyMovieMashup success (May 07).

-hope you guys like it ;)


  1. James! thx for the songs..
    i prefer the 1st 1 :D
    both the video are good!
    thx for sharing. appreciated a lots.

  2. haha. no problem. its cute eh? i really like her style. really hope can make something like that xD
